Prayers to Saint Gerard

Saint Gerard Majella is the patron of expectant mothers. He was born in 1726 in Muro, Italy to a family of seven. Majella grew up in a poverty with a great respect for the poor.

In life and since his death, he has helped so many women who have prayed to him during labor that he earned the nickname: The "Saint of Happy Deliveries."

Saint Gerard Majella
Prayer for a Safe Delivery

 O Great St. Gerard, beloved servant of
Jesus Christ, perfect imitator of thy meek
and humble Saviour, and devoted Child of
the Mother of God: enkindle within my
heart one spark of that Heavenly fire of
charity which glowed in thee and made
thee a seraph of love. O glorious St.
Gerard, because when falsely accused of
crime, thou didst bear, like thy Divine
Master, without murmur or complaint, the
columnies of wicked men thou hast been
raised up by God as the Patron and
Protector of expectant mothers. Preserve
me from danger and from the excessive
pains accompanying childbirth, and shield
the child which I now carry, that it may
see the light of day and receive the lustrial
waters of baptism, through Jesus Christ
our Lord. Amen. 
(Nine Hail Marys)

Do you know anyone expecting a newborn? Gift them a prayer card with this beautiful safe delivery prayer!

Saint Gerard

Prayer for Motherhood

O good St. Gerard, powerful
intercessor before God and
Wonder worker of our day,
I call upon thee and seek thy
aid. Thou who on earth didst
always fulfill God's design
help me to do the Holy Will
of God. Beseech the Master of
Life, from Whom all paternity
proceedeth to render me
fruitful in offspring, that I
may raise up children to God
in this life and heirs to the
Kingdom of His glory in the
world to come. Amen

These prayer cards are specifically for all mothers and the joys and challenges of motherhood.

Saint Gerard
Saint Gerard
