Prayers to Saint Raphael

Saint Raphael is known as the patron saint of medical workers and matchmakers. He is one of seven Archangels who stand before the throne of the Lord and is often given credit for seeing the light of heaven and for receiving all good things through his intercession.

Saint Raphael the Archangel

Glorious Archangel St. Raphael, 
great prince of the heavenly court, 
you are illustrious for your gifts of 
wisdom and grace. You are a 
guide of those who journey by land 
or sea or air, consoler of the 
afflicted, and refuge of sinners. 
I beg you, assist me in all my
needs and in all the sufferings of 
this life, as once you helped the
young Tobias on his travels. 
Because you are the "medicine of
God," I humbly pray you to heal the
many infirmities of my soul and the
ills that afflict my body. I especially
ask of you the favor of (here name
your favor), and the great grace of
purity to prepare me to be the
temple of the Holy Spirit.

If you like this prayer, check out these lovely prayer cards!

Saint Raphael
Saint Raphael

Prayer to Saint Raphael the Archangel

Most glorious Prince,
Archangel Raphael,
be mindful of us
and pray for us,
here and in every place,
to the Son of God.
O God, who gave
your servant Tobias
the holy archangel Raphael
for a companion on his journey,
grant that during our
earthly pilgrimage
we may always be protected
by his watchful care and
strengthened by his help.
Through Christ Our Lord.

If you like this prayer, take a look at this beautiful prayer card!

Saint Raphael
