All posts in " Christian "

What is Holy Thursday? The Meaning of Being a Good Christian

When people talk about Holy Week, the days that come to most people’s minds is Good Friday, Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. However, Catholics should be aware that it comprises of more days than that. This day, Maundy Thursday, is an excellent example.


The Athanasian Creed

The Athanasian Creed is an early summary of Christian doctrine. The authorship is often attributed to Athanasius, the archbishop of Alexandria, who lived in the 4th century A.D., hence the name.


The Role of the Catholic Church in Society

The role of the Catholic Church in society has existed for many centuries. The Catholic Church is more than an institution. Its influence and authority extends beyond borders, embracing everyone from all walks of life.
It is a home founded in love and faith ­­– the everlasting love God promised his people and the unwavering faith they honour Him with for the rest of their days. When the times get tough, His people turn to him for guidance and there is no better place to find that than in the arms of the church.


Should Catholics Celebrate Halloween?

The topic of Catholics and Halloween is a controversial one. Many people around the world celebrate Halloween with costume parties, scary decorations and trick-or-treating from one house to the next. Should Catholics participate in these traditions? Should we celebrate Halloween?
