All posts in " inspiration "

The Story of Saint Isidore

Saint Isidore is the patron saint of farmers and rural communities. Born in Madrid, Spain, in the year 1110, he came from a poor family and spent many years working as a farm hand on the De Vargas estate beginning from his childhood. Isidore was very prayerful and devoted to attending Mass and receiving the Holy Eucharist.


Inspiration for a Catholic Mom

Children will always carry with them the influence that their mothers had in their lives and this influence shapes the way they act and behave as adults. This is why being a Catholic mom is a remarkable honor for us women to have. We are gifted with a precious life that we must care for and look after not only its physical and emotional needs, but also its spiritual well being. In time for Mother’s Day, let’s look at some Bible teachings on motherhood; most of which come through the example of the extraordinary life of Mary, the Holy Mother of God.
