All posts in " Irish "

Fast Facts about Saint Patrick

Out of the Church’s many saints, St. Patrick is one of the few who have also attained the status of historical legend and national icon. He is also a great example of a dedicated missionary who, above all else, put the spread of Christ’s message as his only purpose in life.


Should Catholics Celebrate Halloween?

The topic of Catholics and Halloween is a controversial one. Many people around the world celebrate Halloween with costume parties, scary decorations and trick-or-treating from one house to the next. Should Catholics participate in these traditions? Should we celebrate Halloween?


Prayers to Saint Patrick

Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, snakes and engineers. He was said to have banished all the snakes from Ireland. We pray to him for his intercession in our lives.


Prayers to Saint Brigid of Ireland

Saint Brigid of Ireland is the patron saint of Infants, Ireland and children with unmarried parents. She renounced her beauty, praying to become ugly…
