All posts in " Spain "

The Story of Saint Isidore

Saint Isidore is the patron saint of farmers and rural communities. Born in Madrid, Spain, in the year 1110, he came from a poor family and spent many years working as a farm hand on the De Vargas estate beginning from his childhood. Isidore was very prayerful and devoted to attending Mass and receiving the Holy Eucharist.


How Catholics Prepare for Easter Around the World

Catholics from all corners of the globe each have their own unique customs and places of worship as they celebrate Christ’s Passion, Death and Resurrection. Today, let us explore their cultural traditions and see how our brothers and sisters in different countries share our faith.


Prayer to Saint Teresa of Avila

St. Teresa of Avila is the patron saint of Headache and Loss of Parents. She was a Carmelite nun who from early childhood was devoted to Christ. She is known as a great mystic and her writings are a testament to Her devotion to Christ and the importance of contemplative prayer.


Prayers to Saint James

St. James the Greater is said to be the first apostle to join Jesus. He is the patron saint against arthritis and Spain. 
